Daily Prayers

Daily Prayers

I am one hundred percent certain that I would not get anything done while I work from home if it weren’t for a constant supply of coffee and my daily check list. A few weeks ago, I gave y’all a detailed look at my daily checklists & why they are so crucial to my productivity. But one thing I didn’t go into details about is the cheatsheets that accompany my check list.

Basically, there are a lot of options on how I can complete my daily tasks, so I keep a running list for myself to make sure I cover my bases. For instance, each morning when I do a 10 Minute Tidy—I simply look at my Tidy Cheatsheet and choose what I’ll do as a quick clean. I have a cheatsheet for almost everything!

I even have one for my daily prayers.

When I get into my home office each morning, I want to start the day off in a positive mindset and release the things that are holding me back. So I’ve settled on 4 prayers that are applicable no matter what I may be facing and that I can easily cycle through. I kept it limited to a small number for the simple reason that I want to eventually memorize them so they can become almost natural, like a heartbeat to me.

I don’t know about you, but my emotions have been out of whack lately! These prayers have been an especially helpful way for me to capture my thoughts and set my mindset for the work day.

So, I wanted to share my Daily Prayer Cheatsheet with you today. As always, faith is part of my journey, but there is no pressure for it to be part of yours. But if you are looking for a way to connect with the Divine, I hope you find this free resource helpful.

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